What is stabilization and muscle endurance training?

  • Muscle Endurance

    Muscular endurance is the ability to produce and maintain force production for prolonged periods of time. Improving muscular endurance is an integral component of all fitness programs. Developing muscular endurance helps to increase core and joint stabilization, which is the foundation on which hypertrophy (muscle growth), strength, and power are built. Training for muscular endurance of the core focuses on the recruitment of muscles responsible for postural stability. To achieve muscle endurance we focus on higher reps with moderate resistance.

  • Stabilization

    Stabilization is the human movement system’s ability to provide optimal dynamic joint support to maintain correct posture during all movements. stabilization is getting the right muscles to fire, with the right amount of force, in the proper plane of motion, and at the right time. We achieve optimal stabilization by performing traditional strength training exercises in an unstable, yet controllable environment. For example, performing a biceps curl while balancing on one foot or sitting on a stability ball. The goal is neuromuscular efficiency. In other words, Strong and Solid!

  • Who is this program for?

    Everyone! This program for great people who are new to exercise or coming back from a break. All too often people jump right into muscle building strength training with heavy weight without core and joint stabilization resulting in increased risk of injury. Stabilization and endurance training can also be beneficial to experienced athletes after a long training periods.

Everything you need to smash your goals AND stay accountable is right here at your fingertips.

  • Detailed plan and video demonstrations

  • Workout Guide: Reps, Sets and Weights Oh my! The nuts and bolts of getting the most of the workouts.

  • Guide to Mindfulness, Wellness and Motivation: It's a Mental Thing!

  • Community Support

  • $55 includes 6 months of access to the program!

Minimal Equipment needed

  • Light to medium dumbbells
  • Light Long Band
  • Mini Bands
  • Stability Ball
  • Links provided for equipment. Reach out with questions.

Shauna's Journey

I personally have gone through a mind and body transformation as a direct result of living a healthy and an active lifestyle that was introduced to me through a community much like AIF.

I haven’t always been fit. I haven’t always been healthy, and you better believe I still have my struggles with food and fitness. I've also had set backs during my journey. 2 knee surgeries, 1 miscarriage, bouts of depression and a global pandemic. But, using the tools I'm sharing with you, I bounced back every time.  

I am a certified personal trainer with The National Academy of Sports Medicine. I'm also certified in a variety of group fitness formats including Spin, Pilates and Barre. I also have a certification in Meal Planning for fat loss and muscle gains. 

But, first and foremost, I am mom. My two kiddos are why I get up and move. What's your why?